What We Do

MealFlour provides mealworm farming training to communities in areas with high rates of malnutrition. For more information about MealFlour's activities, read our Annual Reports from: 2019, 2018, 2017, and 2016.


In the department or Huehuetenango MealFlour runs a train the trainer program with community leaders. The training takes the leaders through the process of mealworm farming along with how to train other people in their community. The group of leaders works together to maintain a farm and build their own farm at the end of the course. MealFlour supports each leader so that they can go on to train other members of their community. 

E and gabby in candelaria.JPG

Mealworm farming training: Candelaria

In October 2016, MealFlour started work with the community of Candelaria, located outside Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. In Candelaria, MealFlour ran charlas (discussion-based classes) on the importance of nutrition, introduction to mealworms, and the basics of mealworm farming. The program lasted for 6 months.

Check out Doña Irma's, a MealFlour participant in Candelaria, thoughts after she made her first batch of mealworm flour.
